Oak Ridge, Tennessee
November 5, 1979
Dr. John Cruse, M.D.
Doctors Building
Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Dear Dr. Cruse:
As requested in our earlier phone conversation, I have again checked the background of cancer deaths in Claudia's family. All seem to be associated with the maternal side of her family. Four sisters, including Claudia, her mother and her three maternal aunts. The mother and sisters target organ was stated to be the liver; however, one sister apparently had an earlier history of "cured" uterine cancer (greater than 20-years). A major difference between Claudia and the others was the terminal age. The others lived a rather normal life span, late 60s to 80s, and in the case of the mother and one sister, diabetes was involved. Autopsy evaluation was not made in any of the other deaths.
Several differences exist which may be significant. Claudia was the youngest of a large family (mother in mid to late 40s at time of Claudia's birth).
In view of todays considerations for long term effects of low-level radiation, Claudia's case may also be significant to epidemiology studies if ORAU has such a program. Dr. Vodapick may have an interest.
In the period 1944-1947 Claudia was involved in the wartime processing of enriched uranium where the potential for ingestion was extreme by todays standards. In this case the 234u isotope (alpha emitter) was enriched to approximately 1 to 1.5% compared to a natural abundance of approximately 0.0058%. The extent of ingestion is unknown but my own
familiarity with the operation which involved calcination of uo3 there was airborne particulate dispersion sufficient to require frequent recovery from vertical surfaces for economic reasons. Body fluid and airborne monitoring for uranium was not a prime consideration under the
pressure of the bomb development. Target organs for uranium are lung, kidney, liver, and bone. A list of other persons who have a similar employment history is enclosed. It could be of interest to follow the course of these individuals over the 30-year time span involved, if they could be traced. Some are still in Oak Ridge.
Claudia was also exposed to a therapeutic gamma ray dose (6 0co, approximately 3500 R) integrated over approximately 6 weeks as a consequence of biopsy diagnosed uterine cancer, also a radium source implant in the cervix for approximately 48 hours. In the case of the radium implant I measured a gamma dose rate at the thyroid position of 60 mr/hr. This
integrates to an appreciable dose to all organs between the source and head. This information is a matter of record.
I provide this information to complete your records and if it helps to shed some light on the seemingly anomalous diagnostic tests that were made, I hope it can be useful. I would like to have a copy of the autopsy report when it is available.
I would also like to express my appreciation to you, Dr. Helen Vodapick and Dr. Kenneth Luckman for what seemed to me to be extraordinary consideration and concern during all of your involvement in the care of Claudia. I appreciated your patience with me in what must have appeared to be a great deal of intrusion into your time and for your consulting with others in the medical profession for whom I have considerable regard. I feel sure, however, that you understood my intense desire to interrupt a process that was taking away a person who was loved and needed.
Thanks again for your help.
F. N. Case
192 Northwestern Avenue
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830